We reviewed the known history of the letter known as I Clement, and discussed why it has never been thought be pseudonymous.

We enjoyed Clement's description of the Phoenix cycle, and wondered where he got his information.

We puzzled over Clement's references to the resurrection and his insistence on this as a future event. Apparently, there was a section of the Christian Church that believed that the general resurrection had already occured. Colossians 2:12 can be read this way, but Paul appears to oppose that view in Romans 6:4-5 .

Clement quotes Deuteronomy 32: 8-9 as "When the Most High divided the nations....... he fixed the bounds of the nations according to the number of the angels of God." NRSV translates this as "he fixed the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the gods" -- which suggests a quixotic image -- "I'll take Israel, you, Baal, take Syria; Artemis, you can have Greece; Odin, take Germany........"